Dry Extract of the Roots of Rheum Rhaponticum (ERr 731®) Potentially Protect from Invasive Breast Cancer.
In the MARIE study (breast cancer risk factor investigation) a German population based case‐control study of the hospital of the University Hamburg‐Eppendorf in cooperation with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg the influence of herbal preparations for menopausal symptoms on the potential risk for breast cancer was investigated in 10,121 women [1]: for ERr 731 for the first time a potential protective association to breast cancer risk could be demonstrated.
Both oestrogen receptor (ER) independent and ER‐dependent effects may influence the development of breast cancer [2]. Investigations with ERr 731® and its compounds have shown that they activate and bind to ERβ in different cell lines with high specificity [3, 4]. In endometrial cancer cells ERr 731® activated ERβ exclusively [4] and in osteosarcome cells with high preference [3]. In contrast neither ERr 731® nor its compounds and its metabolites resveratrol und piceatannol either activated ERα [3,4].
ERr 731® is a high selective oestrogen receptor‐β agonist and this receptor‐activation may be relevant for the therapeutic effect of ERr 731® [5]. A uterotrofic assay with ovariectomieced rats [6] supports the observations from clinical studies [8,9,10,11,12,13] and experimental toxicity studies in animals with dogs [7] and rats to that effect that ERr 731® obviously does not stimulate the proliferation of the uterus mucosa.
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Presentation at the „Cancer Pharmacology Research“ conference at St. John’s University, Queens, NY on the 16. December 2017.