At Health Research Services, we are turning advances in medical and data science into innovative and life-changing treatments for patients. With our Research and Service strategy, Health Research Services is very dependent on intellectual property rights and their efficient protection.
Intellectual property laws protect Health Research Services valuable assets—our patents, trademarks, regulatory data, copyrights, trade secrets, domain names and related rights. Health Research Services supports initiatives which are designed to foster a legal and regulatory environment which protects intellectual property rights. We encourage governments with strong IP protection to maintain their commitment and those of developing countries to consider the role IP can play in the transition to an innovation-based economy delivering societal benefits and growth. We do not file for new patents or enforce existing patents in least developed countries.
Health Research Services is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of third parties. Health Research Services expects that all its employees take the intellectual property rights of third parties into due consideration in their daily work.
Whenever our intellectual property rights are violated, Health Research Services defends its rights. Violation of intellectual property rights does not only harm the assets of Health Research Services, but in many cases is also a threat to the health and safety of patients; e.g. counterfeit pharmaceutical and products are illegal and pose a significant global public health problem. Health Research Services undertakes appropriate measures against counterfeits within the sphere of its influence.
Public health benefits from the development of a medicine far beyond the period of patent protection. Patents on ERr 731® have been licenced to Health Research Services and ERr 731® Trademarks are hold by Health Research Services. Almost all inventions and innovations are under patent protection. These products would not exist without a robust patent system which encourages investments in innovation. They are witness to Health Research Services substantial and sustained contribution to global health even after loss of exclusivity.